The Wealth of Nations | 1776 | Adam Smith | Economics |
The Social Contract | 1792 | Jean Jacques Rousseau | Politics |
An Essay on the Principle of Population | 1798 | Thomas Malthus | Economics |
Some Thoughts Concerning Education | 1693 | John Locke | Education |
The Theory of Moral Sentiments | 1759 | Adam Smith | Philosophy |
Principles of Economics | 1890 | Alfred Marshall | Economics |
Industry and Trade | 1919 | Alfred Marshall | Economics |
Democracy in America | 1835/1840 | Alexis de Tocqueville | Politics |
The Old Regime and the Revolution | 1856 | Alexis de Tocqueville | History |
On the Origin of Species | 1859 | Charles Darwin | Biology |
Geological Observations on the Volcanic Islands | 1844 | Charles Darwin | Geology |
A Tale of Two Cities | 1859 | Charles Dickens | Fiction |
Hard Times | 1854 | Charles Dickens | Fiction |
Extraordinary Delusions and the Madness of Crowds | 1841 | Charles MacKay | Psychology |
A Detailed Classification of the Sciences | 1902 | Charles Peirce | Logic |
On the Algebra of Logic | 1880 | Charles Peirce | Logic |
A Treatise of Human Nature | 1740 | David Hume | Politics |
The History of England | 1762 | David Hume | History |
On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation | 1817 | David Ricardo | Economics |
Essay on the Influence of a Low Price of Corn on the Profits of Stock | 1815 | David Ricardo | Economics |
The New Atlantis | 1627 | Francis Bacon | Fiction |
Novum Organum | 1620 | Francis Bacon | Philosophy |
Economics, Volume 1: Economic Principles | 1915 | Frank Fetter | Economics |
Capital, Interest and Rent | 1897 | Frank Fetter | Economics |
The Law | 1850 | Frederic Bastiat | Politics |
What is Seen and What is Not Seen | 1850 | Frederic Bastiat | Economics |
Psychology of the Stock Market | 1912 | George Charles Selden | Psychology |
Progress and Poverty | 1879 | Henry George | Econmics |
Protection or Free Trade | 1886 | Henry George | Economics |
Principles of Biology | 1898 | Herbert Spencer | Sociology |
The Man Versus the State | 1884 | Herbert Spencer | Politics |
Critique of Pure Reason | 1781 | Immanuel Kant | Philosophy |
Metaphysics of Morals | 1791 | Immanuel Kant | Philosophy |
Principia | 1687 | Issac Newton | Physics |
Opticks | 1704 | Issac Newton | Physics |
Elements of Political Economy | 1821 | James Mill | Economics |
The History of British India | 1817 | James Mill | History |
Discourse on the Arts and Sciences | 1750 | Jean Jacques Rousseau | Philosophy |
The Social Contract | 1762 | Jean Jacques Rousseau | Politics |
An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation | 1780 | Jeremy Bentham | Politics |
Anarchical Fallacies | 1796 | Jeremy Bentham | Politics |
The Philosophy of Wealth | 1896 | John Bates Clark | Economics |
The Distribution of Wealth | 1899 | John Bates Clark | Economics |
My Pedagogic Creed | 1897 | John Dewey | Education |
| 1896 | John Dewey | Psychology |
Two Treatise of Government | 1689 | John Locke | Politics |
Some Thoughts Concerning Education | 1693 | John Locke | Education |
The General Theory of Employment | 1937 | John Maynard Keynes | Economics |
The Economic Consequences of the Peace | 1919 | John Maynard Keynes | Economics |
The Principles of Political Economy | 1848 | John Stuart Mill | Economics |
On Liberty | 1859 | John Stuart Mill | Politics |
The Communist Manifesto | 1848 | Karl Marx | Economics |
Capital | 1894 | Karl Marx | Economics |
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus | 1921 | Ludwig Wittgenstein | Philosophy |
Leviathan | 1651 | Thomas Hobbes | Politics |
De Cive | 1642 | Thomas Hobbes | Politics |
A Summary View of the Rights of British America | 1774 | Thomas Jefferson | Politics |
Plan for Establishing Uniformity in the Coinage, Weights, and Measures of the United States | 1790 | Thomas Jefferson | Economics |
An Essay on the Principle of Popualation | 1798 | Thomas Malthus | Economics |
Principles of Political Economy | 1820 | Thomas Malthus | Economics |
Common Sense | 1776 | Thomas Paine | Politics |
Rights of Man | 1791 | Thomas Paine | Politics |
The Theory of the Leisure Class | 1899 | Thorstein Veblen | Economics |
The Engineers and the Price System | 1921 | Thorstein Veblen | Economics |
Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism | 1917 | Vladimir Ilyich Lenin | Econmics |
What is to be Done? | 1902 | Vladimir Ilyich Lenin | Economics |
The Principles of Psychology | 1890 | William James | Psychology |
The Will to Believe | 1897 | William James | Economics |
The Theory of Political Economy | 1871 | William Stanley Jevons | Economics |
The Coal Question | 1865 | William Stanley Jevons | Economics |