Avogadroiv sets our classic eBooks apart with the other publishers by confirming usefulness and relevance of each eBook, establishing one stop shop to find and purchase each eBook easily and securely, making efforts to add values for each eBook, and partnering with our customers to improve the ingenuous digital services endlessly. We strive to be a leading digital publisher to publish the classic eBooks by great minds in economics, politics, philosophy, investment, history, biology, technology, and science.

At Avogadroiv, we trust that true and original thoughts, theories, and inventions never fade away and they are connected by a sustainable vector of holding a compound nature to guide and drive the growth of the intellectual franchises for each generation. Before publishing each of the eBooks, Avogadroiv worked hard to select, review, and pass it thoughtfully by sticking a simple criterion that it either pioneered a great platform in an important field or it made a major contribution to build a platform that still matters to our intellectual franchises and touches our real life today.
We hope that Avogadroiv.com is indeed a simple, efficient, and productive place that our thoughtful customers will effortlessly find and purchase the eBooks that match your thoughts, meet your needs, and are important, useful, and relevant to your success today.
At Avogadroiv, Amazon.com is the backend of our digital services that will take care of the critical steps for completing a transaction of buying our eBooks. Although the transactional services are delivered through Amazon.com, Avogardroiv.com do not have any control, access, and advice to an account information that a customer registered or a customer will register with Amazon.com for any cause under the free force of a customer. However, the two independent services are unified and seamless services that Avogardroiv.com responsible for the frontend is integrated with and fulfilled by Amazon.com responsible for the backend via web URL link.

Each of our titles on Avodardroiv.com is exactly mirrored with each of our titles listed on Amazon.com and you only purchase each of our listed eBook on Amaon.com through the mirroring. If our customers are already Amazon.com customers who have created their accounts with Amazon.com, you do not need to register any account with Avogadroiv.com in order to purchase an eBook listed on our website. This integration helps existing Amazon.com customers productively focus on experiencing Avogadroiv.com to find your needed books and easily complete purchase on Amazon.com as seamless as possible.
If our customers are not existing Amazon.com customers who do not have any account with Amazon.com, you need to follow the instructions of Amazon.com to create your accounts on Amazon.com. Once our customers become Amazon.com customers, you can use our digital services on Avogadroiv.com to find your needed books productively and purchase them on Amazon.com easily.

At AVOGADROIV, we are enlightened by the great thoughts that were pioneered in the classic eBooks we published. We not only feel honored to have the opportunity to promote the classic books as eBooks but also make all the possible efforts to add values for each of the published eBooks. We created a table of contents for each of the published eBooks that enable direct access to each chapter of each eBook. We created a brief biography for each author of the eBooks to inform historical background and context of the writings more than 100 years ago.
We corrected the reported errors in our published eBooks via responsible feedback by our thoughtful customers. We verified initial publication date of the original paper book for each eBook. We created collections of titles that have strong synergy and franchise by thoughts and theories to meet our diverse needs of our customers. We will work harder to continue adding as many values as our capacity allows to our published eBooks for the better experience of our customers.
At Avogadroiv, we always focus on our customers and architect them as the center of our business foundation. We made efforts to deliver a fine experience of finding and reading our eBooks we published. But we understand the efforts are far away from our aspirational dream to meet the ideal experience and best productivity of our thoughtful customer using the digital services and reading the classic eBooks.

We see the great challenges and opportunities ahead of us to address the needs of our customers to deserve a new standard for experiencing highly productive and modernized classic eBooks. We regard our customers as our business partners and sincerely invite you to send us feedback so that we can hear your voices and guidance that will help us properly invest our resources and act on improving our digital services.